Because Risk Never Sleeps in Corporate America!

Picture of Peter Weefald

Just this week our Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Peter Weedfald, shared his perspective on the importance of creativity and diligence in the workplace with Money Inc. Discover what creativity means in corporate America and what working without a abundance of it can mean for your career with the segment highlighted below.

Creativity in individual performance is quintessential for one reason: creativity is a differentiator. Creativity on a personal and or business level is the most dynamic and efficient fuel to energize every touch point of opportunity in the language of profitable growth.

Planned and purposeful growth through creativity is ostensibly the construct that challenges the norm, sparks the art of the possible, energizes the brand, differentiates juxtaposed choice, pushes and pulls product opportunity – subjugates competitors: delivers portentous and unyielding results.

Because risk never sleeps, creativity must aggressively lead and dominate ambient purpose: hearts and minds across all departments focused on creativity to best create, fuel and capitalize on market opportunity.

It’s easy for us to flip and flap about what creativity is, should and could be for your company and or for you personally. It is harder to portend and connect multi-modal brand/product touch points incepted, created and intended to hyper-stimulate, to ravish hearts and minds.

Creativity must be declared, deployed and prompted across work groups, departments and across the entire enterprise as the cynosure of achieving future growth personally and for your business. The language, planning protocol, intentions and deployment of creativity must be promulgated from the top down.


To read the entire piece, click here.

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