Ultimate Tech Gifts for Mom – Mother’s Day 2017

I used to always get my mom the typical Mother’s Day gifts, but that changed a few years ago when I decided to go with something more practical than the standard flowers or a trip to the spa. Today, in the Digital Age, practical often means tech-related. Mother’s Day is coming up next weekend and if you’re interested in really impressing your mom, mother-in-law, grandma and wife this year by getting them something that shows how appreciated they are, try something from the roundup of tech products below. These are all useful and fun, and the women in your life won’t forget Mother’s Day 2017 if they’re presented with one of these this year.

From stylish fitness trackers and headphones to smart cooking appliances and beautiful iPad cases, there are so many wonderful tech related gifts to choose from this year. Here are some quality tech products Mom will appreciate this Mother’s Day:

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