
Because Risk Never Sleeps!

“Creativity in business is quintessential for one reason: creativity is a differentiator.”

Creativity in individual performance is quintessential for one reason: creativity is a differentiator. Creativity on a personal and or business level is the most dynamic and efficient fuel to energize every touch point of opportunity in the language of profitable growth. Planned and purposeful growth through creativity is ostensibly the construct that challenges the norm, sparks the art of the possible, energizes the brand, differentiates juxtaposed choice, pushes and pulls product opportunity – subjugates competitors: delivers portentous and unyielding results.

It’s easy for us to flip and flap about what creativity is, should and could be for your company and or for you personally. It is harder to portend and connect multi-modal brand/product touch points incepted, created and intended to hyper-stimulate, to ravish hearts and minds. Creativity must be declared, deployed and prompted across work groups, departments and across the entire enterprise as the cynosure of achieving future growth personally and for your business.

Seriously, please let me know how many of you locally and or globally have received a stentorian declaration, a creed, a benediction from executive leadership stating “creativity and its learnings are our core competency and shall congener across all we think about, all we discuss thru every touch point of our business, in all we do every day to achieve our market growth strategy.” Or please let me know what University or Professor profoundly docents company wide creativity across and within the enterprise… across and within your own personal brand. For me, I practice and exercise creativity at work with my team and at home in my music studio (Studio-W live).

Of course creativity is not a solitary art form. Creativity absent of relevancy punishes productivity. Creativity united with savvy market relevancy is the conscripting nexus for long and profitable market growth. Relevancy void of creativity harbingers the largest museum of failed products, failed intentions, lost opportunities. Creativity’s guard and guerdon is relevancy. Relevancy’s shining armor and weapon of choice is creativity.

Let’s define their smarter union as follows: Imagination = Creativity + Relevancy. To capture market or personal imagination, to stimulate emotional capital in presentation, thru a selling process, thru marketing communications, thru product, advertising, packaging, services, etc. is the intrepid growth engine that makes or takes a market.

The unvarnished reality is the doctrine of necessity to capture market imagination must be the smarter union of creativity and relevancy as one (won) perfect vessel. Think Apple, Starbucks, Monster, Beats, Google, Sharp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Think Hollywood movies, TV shows, your favorite music, your favorite brands of anything of everything that powers and stimulates your life. Think about how your mind and heart instantly lean-in and race-forward at the sound of, at the thought of these mighty brands: for the opportunity to engage heart fully, gleefully, instantly.

As risk never sleeps, creativity and relevancy must unite across all touch points of content (see video: content is everything). To tuck under the ribs of the umbrella of consumer and customer imagination congressed to promulgate, stimulate and articulate the thinking and actions of all team members, of all market targets and opportunities. I continue to believe the greatest mind I am lost in admiration for Albert Einstein, born in Württemberg, Germany in 1879 said it best with respect to the formula for market success, personal success: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Translation? To best articulate and navigate opportunity profess and utilize this formula across your entire enterprise, across your heart and mind united as one (won): Imagination = Creativity + Relevancy.

To read more content and follow our Senior Vice President Peter Weedfald on Linkedin  Click here.

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